SOM code in Matlab
Below is the code of applying SOM on handwritten digits recongnition. It was implemented for a homework assignment in a course offered by professor Paul Gader. I used only ten handwritten digits images provided by Dr. Gader. Each image is resized to 30×30 and reshape to a 900×1 column vector. data in the code below is the training set. It’s a coolection of 900-dimensional column vectors.%//Matlab script
%//-- 10 x 10 map
data = double(data);
%// toal number of nodes
totalW = 100;
%//initialization of weights
w = rand(900, totalW);
%// the initial learning rate
eta0 = 0.1;
%// the current learning rate (updated every epoch)
etaN = eta0;
%// the constant for calculating learning rate
tau2 = 1000;
%//map index
[I,J] = ind2sub([10, 10], 1:100);
N = size(data,2);
alpha = 0.5;
%// the size of neighbor
sig0 = 200;
sigN = sig0;
%// tau 1 for updateing sigma
tau1 = 1000/log(sigN);
%i is number of epoch
for i=1:2000
%// j is index of each image.
%// it should iterate through data in a random order rewrite!!
for j=1:N
x = data(:,j);
dist = sum( sqrt((w - repmat(x,1,totalW)).^2),1);
%// find the winner
[v ind] = min(dist);
%// the 2-D index
ri = [I(ind), J(ind)];
%// distance between this node and the winner node.
dist = 1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigN).*exp( sum(( ([I( : ), J( : )] - repmat(ri, totalW,1)) .^2) ,2)/(-2*sigN)) * etaN;
%// updating weights
for rr = 1:100
w(:,rr) = w(:,rr) + dist(rr).*( x - w(:,rr));
%// update learning rate
etaN = eta0 * exp(-i/tau2);
%// update sigma
%sigN = sigN/2;
sigN = sig0*exp(-i/tau1);
%//show the weights every 100 epoch
if mod(i,200) == 1
axis off;
hold on;
for l = 1:100
[lr lc] = ind2sub([10, 10], l);
axis off;
axis off;
hold off;
See the transition between different numbers
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