Source :
Given two integers, and , find the maximal value of xor , written , where and satisfy the following condition:
For example, if and , then
Our maximum value is .
Function Description
Complete the maximizingXor function in the editor below. It must return an integer representing the maximum value calculated.
maximizingXor has the following parameter(s):
- l: an integer, the lower bound, inclusive
- r: an integer, the upper bound, inclusive
Input Format
The first line contains the integer .
The second line contains the integer .
Output Format
Return the maximal value of the xor operations for all permutations of the integers from to , inclusive.
Sample Input 0
Sample Output 0
Explanation 0
The input tells us that and . All the pairs which comply to above condition are the following:
Here two pairs (10, 13) and (11, 12) have maximum xor value 7, and this is the answer.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Source :
// | |
// To maximize A xor B, we want A and B to differ as much as possible at every bit index. | |
// We first find the most significant bit that we can force to differ by looking at L and R. | |
// For all of the lesser significant bits in A and B, we can always ensure that they differ | |
// and still have L <= A <= B <= R. Our final answer will be the number represented by all | |
// 1s starting from the most significant bit that differs between A and B | |
// Example: | |
// L = 10111 | |
// R = 11100 | |
// _X___ <-- that's most significant differing bit | |
// 01111 <-- here's our final answer | |
// | |
// Notice that we never directly calculate the values of A and B | |
static int maximizingXor(int L, int R) { | |
int xored = L ^ R; | |
int significantBit = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(xored); | |
int result = (1 << (significantBit + 1)) - 1; | |
return result; | |
} | |
// Discuss on HackerRank: |
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